Christmas traditions of Probationet partners #3 – Portugal

Today, we explore Portuguese Christmas traditions!
Christmas dinner in Portugal is known as Consoada, a name that came from a Portuguese traditional dish, and is celebrated on the night of December 24th, Christmas Eve. This tradition brings families together at the dinner table to share a hearty meal. Christmas sweets abound in Portuguese cuisine, and they embody much of the holiday spirit.
Some Christmas Eve sweets found on a Portuguese table includeBolo rei, French toast, Sonhos, and Filhós.
The beginning of Christmas is officially marked by midnight on December 25th, when it’s time to distribute gifts beneath the Christmas tree, next to the nativity scene. Of course, traditions vary from family to family and are constantly evolving, but the essence of Portuguese Christmas is spending time with family and having fun.
Some initiatives in Portugal try to provide this warmth to people deprived of liberty. Some try to deliver essentials to the individuals in prisons, like the “Christmas in Prison” initiative, which collects socks and soaps and donates them to these individuals. Others strive to connect the people deprived of liberty with their
families, like the “Trenó” project, which makes it possible for these individuals to send letters and gifts to their children.

– “Christmas in Prison” initiative ( by Diocese de Bragança-Miranda
– “Trenó” project ( by Confiar – Associação de Reinserção Social, Portugal